Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another day!

Well I awoke feeling a tad bit better to find my little guy a little stuffy. Trying to stay on top of this since me and the hubby are finally getting our first alone time this weekend since Max was born. Well I went to work thinking it would be a good day considering we would be off tomorrow but I guess the miserable people every office has to deal with can't even be on nice mode before a holiday. Well after making it thru the day with only using the "C" word twice while describing someone and almost jumping over my desk to strangle that person I heard the stock exchange bell ring and made a b-line to the parking lot. I was just going to make a quick stop at the food store so I had all the ingredients to make my potatoes tomorrow. Well me and every other person on the planet had the same idea. Well I got in and out of there as quick as possible to only have my bag of red potatoes break and all 30 of them ran for cover in different directions. (sorry to all people eating pavement in their potatoes tomorrow) Well I came home to my lovely waiting family and was eating when hubby suggested the kids go with him to Grandma's house so he could set up the turkey fryer. This was a great way to give mom a break and just give me a minute to do my things. Stephen and Isabelle so excited and rushing to find their shoes and jacket and knocked over the kitchen garbage with such force that dinner was on the other side of the kitchen. You guessed it, evil mom told them they needed to pick it up!!!! This started off ok until they had to pick up salad. For the only person "colleen" reading this you will understand how jacklyn and i could not help but laugh when everytime Isabelle touched a peice of lettuce and dry heaved, stephen looked frightened by her sounds and Max would just giggle uncontrollable. Well I made them pick it all up, Isabelle found a way to use a plastic fork, fling it onto a paper plate stephen would hold and he would shake it into the garbage. This was almost as much fun as giving the kids glow sticks on a string, shut the lights off until it is completely dark and make them spin the glow sticks. Every couple of seconds in between them having fun you can hear the glow stick hit them in the head and a shout of "ouch". Stephen and I usually save that one for a Saturday! Well kids are in bed and I am just finishing up and thinking I just might make it to bed before 10 unless i get roped into facebook.

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