Thursday, November 27, 2008

So much to be thankful for!

Well first off, I am thankful to my wonderful husband for letting me sleep in this morning (8:30). Daddy made a dash for the door for an emergency leave raking. Well I woke up to start my potatoes which was going great until the phone rang, the kids ran in screaming that my dog puked on the carpet. This now brings all the kids in the kitchen screaming...damage control time, hang up the phone, pick up the puke, wipe Isabelles ass and back to making potatoes. I then hear "mom, daddy stepped in dog shit", not a big deal to most grown adults but for this family it means, daddy is dry heaving and puts those shoes in the pile of other untouchable shoes in the garage never to be worn again. We don't wash them off, we buy new. So back on track with the potatoes, my bonus slicing the onions is the uncontrollable tearing of the eyes which makes my precious children think something is wrong with mommy and we better be good, Isabelle cleans the living room and stephen has grabbed the electric broom. I keep the tears rolling until one of them finally asks for the windex. Once I knew the windows and coffee table would be cleaned I turned off the tears.

Off to grandma and pop-pops. This would be a big Thanksgiving since my mother in law was told 5 months ago that she had cancer and would not be around for Thanksgiving. Well she was there and in remission. Isabelle made a craft turkey with construction paper feathers and we all had to write what we were thankful for. It was really a nice time. Dinner went smooth and everything was delicious. Now off to the sitting room to chat around the fire that was blaring. For those of you who are not familiar with the Smith Home or some may call the Smith Igloo the home is usually freezing. My mother in law is now always cold so we pumped up the fire place. Luckily everyone kept on their clothes but my mother in law did take off her wig. Yup, you guessed it, this lead to the entertainment. First Jacklyn put it on and looked like an extremely butch dike, Isabelle next who looked like a psychopathic midget, Patrick's turn and then of course my husband who was a cross between Adam Sandler and Garth from Waynes World. Well now that fun ended what could top that, I know, a small discussion about flat screen tv's and how far they should be from viewing for optimal picture. Using the family room as an example we were trying to figure out how wide my parents living room was. Guessing was not going well so out comes a tape measure. My mom would tell us exactly how wide the room was. For anyone hiring a contractor, do not have 3 or 4 glasses of wine and then measure. The very tought measuring tape resembled a piece of yarn making the letter U and instead of going straight across using a 2 foot diaganol. This was not a big deal until Paulie needed to make it more exact! Dessert time, all went well, like father like son, my father in law brought his own car so he could leave right away, my husband has now collected everything from diaper bag to leftovers and placed them in a black leaf bag and told me the car is ready and he is putting the kids in the car. Must be time to go!!! Tomorrow 10am, Isabelle and my neice have cheer camp from 10 till 2, car needs an inspection, kids get haircuts and then me and Stephen are off to PA for a much needed getaway! As crazy and dysfunctional my family may seem, I love each and every one of them and wouldn't change a thing...well maybe, forget I said that, but for the most part I am extremely lucky and extremely Thankful!

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