Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just one more thing to do with no time left

Well lets see, I complain all day that there is not enough time in the day for me to brush my teeth and here I find myself writing a freakin blog after being pressured by my sister who apparently has way too much time.
After overdosing on tylenol cold and sinus and 1/2 a bottle of nasal spray last night and convincing my children mommy would be really mean if I didn't get to bed before them I awoke feeling better that was until my 1 year old had a blow out this morning in his pajamas (picture the feetie pj's looking like a pastry bag filled with shit), letting my dog out in the rain to coming back to mud prints all over the carpet after my 3 year old said I let Crush (the dog) in and my daughter already hating the outfit she picked out 10 hours prior. Well once I left the house all seems to get better until I realize I drove to work all by myself and wasted that 20 minutes of alone time singing along with High School Musical. Not that Gabriella and Troy Bolton don't sing a mean duet but that was my time damn it! Well after losing an additional 20 minutes of my life I get to work to read an adult news article about how the financial crisis is affecting not only Wall Street but Broadway. Wow, the #1 broadway show Young Frankenstein is being cancelled and thinking how this was not the end of the world until I realize the only X-mas present I had purchased ahead of time was my very hard to buy for in-laws. Yup, you guessed it, I purchased them 2 orchestra seat tix to Young Frankenstein on January 10th. Well they will definately not have to worry about the crowd considering it is closing the curtains on January 4th. Will have to work on that gift now. Well lets put that behind us, I leave work and honk the horn and my childrens other mom aka Becca has the kids ready and waiting for gymnastics which we have 15 minutes to get to, oh I take that back only Isabelle has gymnastics since Stephen walked out of class last week and decided gymnastics was for girls and he wanted to do Karate...here is were Dad steps in. Dad is excited that his son, his namesake would rather fight so I explain how wonderful it is that he feels this way and karate will now be his responsibility. So yes tonite was Stephen's 1st karate class. He says it was great, Dad thinks he should wait.. not sure if he meant wait until he gets older or wait until there is a class mommy can take him to!

1 comment:

Keeping Up With the Fitz's said...

Look at you sissy!! Someone who questioned where I have the time to a blog seems like they have found a few minutes as well, huh??? Well I enjoyed reading about my niece and nephews. Welcome to the Blog World!!
